Q: How to inspect a Ford Crown Victoria's driveshaft?
A: First of all, you must jack up the vehicle and make sure to check out the drive shaft for dents or cracks. Also, at the front and rear of the drive shaft, you should look out for any oil leaking out. For proper functioning and wear, inspect the Universal Joints. After that, you can secure or adjust the bolts of the propeller shaft on your vehicle.
Q: How to remove and reinstall a driveshaft on a Ford Crown Victoria?
A: Raise the rear of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Mark the relationship of the driveshaft to the differential companion flange to ensure that the driveshaft retains its dynamic balance after reinstalling it. Remove the bolts and separate the driveshaft from the differential companion flange using a 12-point socket or box end wrench. To remove the bolts that attach the driveshaft to the differential companion flange, insert a small prybar or large screwdriver through the rear U-joint and hold the driveshaft while you break loose the four flange bolts. Pull the driveshaft toward the rear to remove it. Wrap a plastic bag lightly around the extension housing of the transmission to prevent fluid loss. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to align the reference marks made during removal. The factory recommends using new bolts when the driveshaft is reinstalled. If new bolts are not available, use a suitable thread-locking compound on the original bolts.