Q: How to remove and install a high pressure fuel pump on Ford Edge?
A: To remove the fuel pump, start by relieving the fuel system pressure and disconnecting the negative battery terminal. Then, remove the air filter housing outlet duct and the Charge Air Cooler intake pipe. Disconnect the fuel injection pump electrical connector and carefully remove the pump insulator. Disconnect the quick disconnect line and fuel line to the pump. Loosen and remove the fuel lines, as well as the bracket mounting nuts and brackets from the fuel pump stud bolts. Slide the heater hose clip forward and up to expose the fuel pump shield bolts, then remove the shield. Loosen the fuel pump bolt or nuts, alternating one turn at a time until they can be removed. Remove and discard the fuel pump O-ring. To install the fuel injection pump, check the pump tappet for wear or damage and install a new O-ring. Apply clean oil to the pump tappet and O-ring. Rotate the engine until the cam lobe for the fuel injection pump is at its lowest point. Set the pump in the housing and hand-tighten the new bolts or nuts. Tighten the bolts or nuts in even stages, alternating between them. The remaining steps for installation are the reverse of removal.
Q: How to remove and install the fuel pump module and fuel level sending unit on Ford Edge?
A: The fuel pump module, comprising the fuel pump, fuel level sending unit, and fuel filter, can only have the fuel level sending unit serviced separately. On AWD models, there are two fuel level units, one on each side of the fuel tank. To remove the module, relieve fuel system pressure, disconnect the negative battery cable, remove the fuel tank and the pump module lock ring. The module is then pulled out, disconnecting the fuel vapor hose quick-connect fitting. Inspect and replace the O-ring if necessary. The installation is the reverse of removal. The fuel level sending unit is removed by pressing the locking tab and sliding it off the sensor. For AWD models, the fuel tank is removed to access the fuel level sensor, which is then pulled out. Inspect and replace the O-ring if needed. Installation is the reverse of removal.