Q: How do you remove and reinstall the ignition lock cylinder and ignition switch in Ford Escape?
A: Disconnect the negative cable from the battery and turn the Ignition Lock Cylinder to ON for 2006 and earlier model years. Push a 1/8-inch awl or punch through designated holes in the steering column cover and housing to depress the lock cylinder release button while pulling it out. During the installation of the Ignition Lock Cylinder, make sure the Ignition Lock Cylinder is on, align ridges on the cylinder with grooves inside the receptacle and turn the Ignition Lock Cylinder back to OFF so that the release button can be returned to its place. Verify proper operation, reconnect battery first, then perform PCM relearning process if necessary. Remove the steering column covers after disconnecting the negative battery cable on 2007 models or later ones. Use a sharp-tipped pick to release the anti-theft module's locking tabs; remove it from the Ignition Lock Cylinder assembly by this means. Insert key into ACC position turning it clockwise until resistance is felt; insert thin rod into access hole through which release pin passes while pulling outwards on key shafts.