Q: How do you remove and adjust the accelerator cable on carbureted engine of Lincoln Continental?
A: To remove the accelerator cable, start by prying the cable end off the throttle lever using a small screwdriver. Then, loosen the accelerator cable locknut and remove the cable from the bracket assembly. Next, detach the screws and clips retaining the lower instrument trim panel on the driver's side and remove the trim piece. Pull the cable end out and up from the accelerator pedal recess. To disconnect the cable at the firewall, remove the cable retainer bracket bolts and push the cable assembly through the firewall from inside the passenger compartment. For installation, reverse the removal steps and ensure that flexible components are not routed within two inches of moving parts. Operate the accelerator pedal to check for any binding condition. Apply sealant around the accelerator cable at the engine compartment side of the firewall to prevent water from entering the passenger compartment if necessary. There is no specific adjustment for these types of accelerator cables, but it may be necessary to adjust the kickdown cable for the automatic transmission.
Q: How to remove and install the accelerator cable on Lincoln Continental fuel-injected engine?
A: To remove the accelerator cable on 1996 and later models, start by removing the air intake duct. Detach the accelerator cable from the throttle lever and remove the cruise control cable. Separate the accelerator cable from the bracket and pull it out from the accelerator pedal recess. Disconnect the cable clips on the intake manifold and valve cover, and remove the cable through the firewall. To install, follow the reverse steps, ensuring correct cable routing. Apply sealant around the cable at the firewall to prevent water ingress. Adjust the freeplay at the pedal by loosening the locknut on the cable bracket.