Q: What are the precautions for overhauling the master cylinders on Lincoln Town Car?
A: The brake master cylinders on the vehicles covered are rebuildable, but if assembled incorrectly or with the wrong rebuild kit seals, they may continue to leak after overhaul. Avoid honing the brake master cylinder bore as it may lead to improper fit with the rebuild kit. If the bore is seriously pitted or corroded, consider replacing it with a new or professionally rebuilt unit or consult an automotive machine shop. During removal, cover brake line fittings with rags and plug the ends of the lines to prevent contamination. Unplug the brake warning light connector, remove the brake master cylinder mounting nuts, and detach it from the Brake Booster or Hydro-Boost unit. Before overhauling, inspect and clean the brake master cylinder and components. If any corrosion or damage is found, replace the brake master cylinder body with a new one. Lubricate and install new reservoir grommets and diaphragm if applicable. Bench bleed the brake master cylinder before installation and carefully install it by following the reverse of the removal steps. Be sure to bleed the brakes after installation.