Q: How to replace disc brake pads on Mercury Mariner?
A: Disc brake pads should always be replaced on both front or both rear wheels at the same time, never on just one wheel. It is important to note that the dust created by the brake system can be harmful to your health, so it is crucial to avoid blowing it out with compressed air and to wear an approved filtering mask when working on the brakes. Additionally, it is essential to use brake system cleaner instead of petroleum-based solvents to clean brake parts. To replace the brake pads, start by removing the cap from the brake fluid reservoir and loosening the wheel lug nuts. Then, raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, blocking the wheels at the opposite end. Remove the wheels and work on one brake assembly at a time, using the assembled brake for reference if needed. Carefully inspect the Brake Disc and machine it if necessary, following the appropriate instructions. To provide room for the new brake pads, push the piston back into its bore using a C-clamp, being cautious not to let the fluid in the master cylinder overflow. If needed, siphon off some of the fluid. Follow the specific sequence for 2007 and earlier models, ensuring that the anchor housing springs are reinstalled in the exact same position as they were originally. Swivel and rotate the springs accordingly to release them from the caliper. Remove the pads from the caliper mounting bracket and apply a small amount of lubricant to the four contact points on the bracket. After installing the new brake pads, reinstall the anchor housing spring in the reverse order of removal. Rear disc brake pad replacement is similar, except that the rear caliper does not have the long springs. When reinstalling the caliper, tighten the mounting bolts securely. Once the job is completed, depress the brake pedal firmly a few times to bring the pads into contact with the disc. Finally, check the brake fluid level and add some if necessary, and carefully test the operation of the brakes before putting the vehicle back into normal service.