Q: How to remove and replace door handles,Door Lock Cylinder and door latch assemblies on Mercury Mariner?
A: Exercise caution and wear gloves when removing and replacing door handles and latch assemblies. For 2007 and earlier models, raise the window, remove the door trim panel and watershield. Inside the door, remove the latch assembly screw and handle cover. Slide the handle towards the rear, remove insulators, and release the clip to move the interior handle aside. Then, remove latch screws and disconnect the electrical connector. Slide the latch assembly towards the front, remove the anti-theft guard, and disconnect the exterior handle rod. Installation is the reverse. For rear handles and latch assembly, remove the electrical connector, glass top run bolts, and separate the run from the door. Remove handle screws, cover, and slide the handle towards the rear. Inside, remove the screw and loosen the control assembly. Disconnect the actuating rod, remove latch screws, and remove the rear latch. Release the conduit and disconnect the interior handle cable. Remove the handle assembly by prying the clips and separating it from the door. Installation is the reverse. For 2008 and later models, the process differs slightly with additional steps, but caution and attention to detail remain essential.