Q: How to remove the driveshaft on Mercury Mariner?
A: To remove the driveshaft, first raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Place the selector lever in Neutral and remove the bolt securing the ground strap. Use chalk or a scribe to mark the relationship of the driveshaft to the differential pinion yoke for correct alignment during reinstallation. Remove the bolts securing the universal joint clamps or flange to the differential pinion yoke, immobilizing the driveshaft with a screwdriver while loosening the bolts. Then, at the front of the driveshaft, remove the bolts securing it to the transaxle/transfer case. Remove the nuts securing the center support bearing and, with the help of an assistant, carefully remove the driveshaft from the vehicle. To install, ensure the universal joint caps are properly placed in the flange seat and tighten the fasteners.