Q: How to replace Parking Brake Shoe on Mercury Mariner?
A: Release the parking brake. Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Remove the wheels. Be sure to block the front tires. Remove the Brake Calipers and the Brake Discs. Clean the parking brake assembly with brake system cleaner before beginning work. Remove the brake shoe retracting spring. Remove the adjusting screw spring, then remove the adjusting screw. Remove the hold-down springs from the shoes. Remove the parking brake shoes. Clean the brake disc/parking brake drum and check it for score marks, deep grooves, hard spots (which will appear as small discolored areas) and cracks. If the disc/drum is worn, scored or out of round, it can be resurfaced by an automotive machine shop. Install the shoes by reversing the removal procedure. Turn the adjusting screw so the disc just fits over the new shoes. When the disc is installed, the shoes should not rub as the disc is turned. If you have a brake shoe adjusting gauge, adjust the diameter of the shoes to 0.042- inch less than that of the drum surface of the rear brake disc. Repeat this procedure for the other parking brake assembly. Install the brake discs and the brake calipers. Remove the rubber plug from the brake backing plate and, using a screwdriver or brake adjusting tool, turn the adjusting screw star wheel until the parking brake shoes start to drag as the disc is turned, then back off the start wheel until the shoes don't drag. Install the rear wheels and lug nuts, lower the vehicle and tighten the lug nuts.