Q: How to replace the stabilizer bar and bushings on a Mercury Mariner?
A: Loosen the front wheel lug nuts. Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Apply the parking brake and block the rear wheels to keep the vehicle from rolling off the stands. Remove the front wheels. Detach the sway bar links from the Sway Bar Kit by removing the lower nut and detaching the link from the Sway Bar Kit. If the ball stud turns with the nut, use an Allen Wrench to hold the stud. Unbolt the sway bar bushing clamps and guide the sway bar kit out from between the crossmember and the body. While the sway bar kit is off the vehicle, slide off the retainer bushings and inspect them. If they're cracked, worn or deteriorated, replace them. Clean the bushing area of the sway bar kit with a stiff wire brush to remove any rust or dirt. Lubricate the inside and outside of the new bushing with edible oil (used in cooking) to simplify reassembly. Don't use petroleum or mineral-based lubricants or brake fluid; they will lead to deterioration of the bushings. The slits of the bushings must face the rear of the vehicle. Installation is the reverse of removal. Tighten the fasteners to the torque values.