Because the driveplate, pump bushing, and oil seal would be unavoidably lesined by the weight of the torque converter, both components must be easily separable prior to removal as a single unit. To start with, put the shift lever into NEUTRAL, set the parking brake on and block the rear wheels. Remove the nutrient from the negative terminal of the battery, take off the strut tower cross brace if exist, and firmly chive the car on jack stands. Remove the transmission fluid and also bolt the complete fluid pan back into place. If the transmission cooler is being done for 2010 and earlier models, remove the flare nuts on the cooler lines while for 2011 and later models remove the cooler line manifold bolt and replace all the 4 O rings. You have to take off the subframe cross brace, exhaust system and the driveshaft. Secure the transmission with a transmission jack, unbolt the shift cable and for the V8 types, remove the rubber plug so that the position of the torque converter can be marked. Take off the inspection cover, starter motor and the nuts connecting the driveplate to the torque converter; dispose the old nuts. Remove electrical connections from such parts as oxygen sensors, transmission speed sensor, output shaft speed sensor, digital transmission range sensor, and solenoid body assembly. jack up the engine with a floor jack, lift the transmission far enough to take out the crossmember, and move the fuel line out of the way of the bellhousing for the 4.0L V6 engines. Now, eliminate the bolts joining the transmission to the engine, while all the wires are detached, shift the transmission and jack backward so that the torque converter is disposed of from the driveplate. During installation torque converter should be fitted firmly on the pump, occasionally the rear hub of the torque converter is removed so when reinstalling there should be a little amount of transmission fluid applied. Lift the transmission to the proper height and ensure that it is level; then turn the torque converter studs to mate the correctly sized driveplate holes. Shift the transmission forward until the dowel pins lock into place, bolt and torque the transmission-to-engine bolts, connect the shift lever cable, installing the transmission crossmember and mount, torquing the bolts. That is very simple: Put new torque converter nuts and fill the transmission with the recommended fluid; start the engine and inspect the car for signs of leakage.
Posted by FordPartsGiant Specialist