Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery and position the number one piston several degrees before TDC on the compression stroke. Remove the right valve cover and attach a dial indicator to the cylinder head with the plunger inline with and resting on the pushrod side of the rocker arm. Remove the timing chain cover and temporarily remove the timing chain and sprockets to access the chain tensioner. Temporarily install the timing chain and sprockets without the tensioner, then slip the timing chain cover and vibration damper in place to provide timing marks. Turn the crankshaft clockwise until the number one piston is at TDC to take up the slack on the right side of the chain, then zero the dial indicator. Slowly turn the crankshaft counterclockwise until the slightest movement is seen on the dial indicator, noting how far the number one piston has moved away from TDC by looking at the ignition timing marks; if the mark has moved more than 6 degrees, install a new timing chain and sprockets. Position the number one piston at TDC on the compression stroke and remove the timing chain cover, avoiding turning the crankshaft during vibration damper removal. Ensure the crankshaft, camshaft, and balance shaft sprocket timing marks are aligned; if not, use the vibration damper bolt to turn the crankshaft clockwise until all marks are aligned. Remove the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt and camshaft position sensor drive gear without turning the engine, taking care not to allow the crankshaft to turn from TDC. Compress the timing chain tensioner with a screwdriver and insert a drill or Allen wrench as a retaining pin to hold it in the retracted position, then pull the camshaft sprocket/chain off the camshaft. If intending to remove the tensioner assembly, remove the two bolts holding it to the block. Turn the crankshaft until the key is facing up, drape the chain over the camshaft sprocket, and turn the sprocket until the timing mark faces down, ensuring the chain is positioned over the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets with their timing marks aligned before slipping both sprockets onto the camshaft and crankshaft. When correctly installed, a straight line should pass through the center of the balance shaft gear, the camshaft, the camshaft timing mark, the crankshaft timing mark, and the center of the crankshaft; do not proceed until the valve timing is correct. Install the camshaft position sensor drive gear, aligning the keyway with the Woodruff key on the camshaft, then apply a non-hardening thread locking compound to the threads and install the camshaft sprocket bolt, tightening it to the specified torque. Finally, remove the retaining pin from the timing chain tensioner and reinstall the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal.
Posted by FordPartsGiant Specialist