Q: How to remove and install the steering knuckle on a 2WD Ford Expedition equipped with air suspension?
A: If the vehicle is equipped with air suspension, turn off the air suspension system. The switch is located in the area of the right kick panel. Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Apply the parking brake. Support the lower control arm with a floor jack. Raise the jack slightly. Remove the wheel. Remove the brake caliper and the brake disc/hub assembly. Remove the disc splash shield from the steering knuckle. Disconnect the lie-rod end from the knuckle. Disconnect the balljoints from the steering knuckle. Remove the steering knuckle. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to tighten all fasteners and reactivate the air suspension system, if equipped, after lowering the vehicle. Adjust the front wheel bearings and have the front wheel alignment checked by a dealer service department or alignment shop.
Q: How to remove and install a Steering Knuckle on 4WD Ford Expedition?
A: Put the vehicle in gear, apply the parking brake and break loose the driveaxle/hub nut with a socket and large breaker bar. If the vehicle is equipped with air suspension, turn off the air suspension system. The switch is located in the area of the right kick panel. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Apply the parking brake. Remove the wheel. Remove the driveaxle/hub nut. Unbolt the brake caliper, hang it out of the way with a piece of wire, then remove the caliper anchor bracket and brake disc. Remove the disc splash shield and, if equipped, the 4WABS speed sensor. Disconnect the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle. Support the lower Control Arm with a floor jack and detach the steering knuckle from the lower balljoint. Support the steering knuckle and separate it from the upper balljoint. Using a puller, push the driveaxle out of the hub while withdrawing the steering knuckle and hub assembly. On 2005 and later Expedition/Navigator models, remove the bolts securing the IWE hub to the knuckle. If you're planning to replace the hub and bearing assembly or the knuckle, remove the hub and bearing assembly from the knuckle. Inspect the seal. If it's damaged or shows signs of deterioration, pry it out with a large screwdriver or prybar. Install a new seal by driving it in with a socket that has an outside diameter slightly smaller than the seal. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. Be sure to lubricate the driveaxle splines with multi-purpose grease and tighten all of the fasteners.