Q: How to remove and install front Wheel Hub on Ford Mustang?
A: The front wheel bearings are part of the hub and are not serviced separately. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, apply the parking brake and raise the vehicle. Support it securely on jackstands placed under the frame. Remove the wheel. Remove the brake caliper and hang it out of the way with a length of wire, then remove the caliper mounting bracket and the brake disc. Remove the grease cap from the hub and bearing assembly. Remove the hub and bearing retaining nut and discard it. Remove the hub and bearing assembly. If the hub does not come off easily, use an appropriate puller. Installation is the reverse of removal. Be sure to clean off the spindle and lubricate it with wheel bearing grease, install a new hub and bearing retaining nut and then tighten it to the torque listed in the Specifications. Tighten the lug nuts to the torque listed in the Specifications.