Q: How to inspect and replace brake line and brake hoses in Lincoln Mark VII equipped with ABS?
A: For vehicles equipped with ABS, ensure immediate plugging of the brake line after disconnecting it from the brake hose to prevent fluid drainage and air entering the HCU, as the HCU on ABS systems cannot be bled without a costly tool. During inspection every six months, raise the vehicle, support it on jackstands, and thoroughly check the rubber hoses connecting steel brake lines to front and rear brake assemblies for damage like cracks, leaks, blisters, and chafing. If any issues are found, replace the hose with a new one. To replace the flexible hose, disconnect the brake line using a flare nut wrench, ensuring the frame bracket and brake line are not bent. Remove the retaining clip, detach the hose from the bracket and body, and promptly plug the metal brake line to prevent air from entering the system. Replace the banjo bolt on the caliper with new sealing washers. Connect the hose to the caliper using new sealing washers, without twisting the hose, and attach the other end to the chassis bracket. Tighten fittings securely using flare nut wrenches and ensure no kinks or contact with suspension components. For replacing metal brake lines, use correct steel parts, avoid copper tubing, and support the new line securely with ample clearance from moving or hot components. After installation, check the master cylinder fluid level, bleed the brake system, and test the brakes carefully before driving the vehicle in traffic.