Q: How to replace a water pump on Mercury Capri?
A: A faulty water pump can cause engine overheating. To test the pump, squeeze the upper radiator hose while the engine is running. A working pump will cause a pressure surge. Check for leaks from the pump's weep holes, using a flashlight if necessary. Listen for a howling sound indicating shaft bearing failure, and check for shaft wear by rocking the pulley. Don't confuse drivebelt slippage, which causes a squealing sound, with pump failure. To replace the pump, disconnect the battery, drain the cooling system, remove the fan, shroud, drivebelts, pulley, hoses, brackets, and on a 2.3L engine, the outer timing belt cover. Detach the pump, clean the bolt threads and holes, and compare the new pump to the old one. Clean the engine and pump mating surfaces, apply RTV gasket sealant, and position the new gasket. Install the new pump, being careful not to overtighten the bolts. Reinstall all removed parts, refill the cooling system, check the drivebelt tension, and run the engine to check for leaks.