Q: How to remove and install Brake disc on Mercury Cougar?
A: This procedure applies to both front and rear disc brake assemblies. Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle and support it securely on jack stands. Remove the wheel. Remove the Brake Caliper, suspending it out of the way with a piece of wire. Reinstall two lug nuts to hold the disc against the hub. Visually check the disc surface for score marks and other damage. Deep score marks require disc removal and refinishing. Check disc run out using a dial indicator, and if it exceeds the allowable limit, the disc should be refinished. The disc must not be machined to a thickness less than the specified minimum refinish thickness. Remove the lug nuts holding the disc to the hub and lift the disc off. Install the disc onto the hub assembly. Install the caliper and brake pad assembly over the disc and tighten the caliper bolts. Install the wheel, lower the vehicle, and depress the brake pedal to bring the brake pads into contact with the rotor. Check the operation of the brakes carefully before placing the vehicle into normal service.