Q: How to check and repalce different types of ignition modules on Mercury Grand Marquis?
A: Duraspark II Ignition Control Module checks include verifying power, checking distributor stator resistance, and ensuring ground circuit continuity. If battery voltage doesn't reach the module, trace the circuit to the ignition switch and battery. Incorrect test results mean the module should be replaced, involving detaching the battery cable, unplugging connectors, removing screws, and installing a new module. TFI-IV Ignition Control Module checks include inspecting and reconnecting ignition wiring, testing the Ignition Coil circuit, and checking module power. Resistance checks should be performed between specific terminals. Incorrect results require module replacement, involving removing the distributor and module, and installing a new one. EDIS Ignition Control Module checks involve inspecting and reconnecting coil wiring, testing the coil circuit, and checking module power. Resistance checks should be performed on the crankshaft sensor. Incorrect results require module replacement, involving disconnecting the battery cable and electrical connector, removing screws, and installing a new module.