Q: How to remove and install a A/C Condenser on Mercury Mariner?
A: The accumulator should be replaced if the condenser was damaged, causing the system to be open for some time. Have the air conditioning system discharged by a dealer service department or an automotive air conditioning shop before proceeding. Remove the front bumper cover. Disconnect the refrigerant inlet and outlet lines from the condenser. Cap the lines to prevent contamination. Detach the power steering cooler lines from the front of the condenser and move them aside. Remove the upper radiator support brackets. Remove the condenser. If you're going to install the same condenser, store it with the fittings facing up to limit oil loss. If you're going to install a new condenser, pour one ounce of refrigerant oil of the correct type into it prior to installation. Before reconnecting the refrigerant lines to the condenser, be sure to coat a pair of new 0-rings with refrigerant oil, install them in the refrigerant line fittings and then tighten the condenser inlet and outlet nuts to the torque listed in the specifications. Installation is otherwise the reverse of removal. Have the system evacuated, recharged and leak tested by the shop that discharged it.