Part No. & Part Description
Price & Qty.
Part No. &
Part Description
-N807309-S437Bolt- M6 x 1 x 24MM
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 8 Cyl 4.6L
- Require Quantity: 3
- Package Quantity: 4
- Base Number: N807309-S309
- Callout Name: HS1
-W500328-S437Bolt- M10 X 80MM
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI
- Base Number: HB1
- Callout Name: HS1
-W701768-S431Stud- Stud - M8 X 19 + M8 X 36
- Callout Name: HT1
- Replaced By: -W715713-S900
-N804178-S309NutNut - Adjusting Screw
- M8 X 1.25
- Base Number: N804178-S
- Callout Name: HN1
- Replaced By: -N804178-S437
FU2Z-10V346-GRMAlternator Assy- 120 AMP , Motorcraft , Remanufactured
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI
- Callout Name: 10346
- Replaced By: FU2Z-10V346-AJRM
G2MZ-10346-APAlternator Assy- High Level Aftermarket Spec, Non Warranty Repair
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI
- Callout Name: 10346
9L2Z-10346-BAlternator Assy- 120 AMP , Motorcraft , New , Warranty Eligible
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI
- Base Number: 10346
- Callout Name: 10346
-N807938-S437Bolt- M10 X 1.5 X 83.5
- Fitting Vehicle Options: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI
- Base Number: HB1
- Callout Name: HB1
Genuine Ford Parts, the Right Choice offers the wholesale prices for genuine 2009
Ford Explorer parts. Parts like Alternator and Mountings are shipped directly from authorized Ford dealers and backed by the manufacturer's warranty. Parts fit for the following vehicle options. Engine: 6 Cyl 4.0L SOHC EFI, 8 Cyl 4.6L. Transmission: 5-Speed Automatic Transmission 5R55S, 5-Speed Automatic Transmission 5R55W, 5-Speed Manual Transmission (M5R4), 6-Speed Automatic Transmission (6R80), 6-Speed Automatic Transmission 6R60.