Q: How to remove and install the steering knuckle on Ford Taurus?
A: For 2012 and earlier models, steering knuckle removal is part of the strut removal. For 2013 and later, removal involves loosening lug nuts, raising the vehicle, and removing the wheel. The lower arm and drive axle are separated from the knuckle, and the strut-to-knuckle bolts are removed. For installation, the knuckle and hub assembly are positioned, the drive axle inserted into the hub, and the strut-to-knuckle bolts tightened. The ball joint and tie-rod end are connected, the wheel speed sensor and brake disc installed, and the drive axle seated using the old nut and washer, then replaced with a new nut.
Q: How do you remove and install the rear Steering Knuckle on Ford Taurus?
A: Measure the distance from the center of the rear Wheel Hub to the fender lip with the vehicle sitting on level ground, under its own weight. Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts. Raise the rear of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, then remove the wheel. Support the lower arm with a floor jack. Raise the jack until the distance between the center of the hub and the lip of the fender is the same. If you're working on an all-wheel drive model, have an assistant apply the brakes while you remove the driveaxle/hub nut. Remove the brake caliper but leave the brake line attached. Use wire to support the caliper - don't let it hang by the hose. Remove the hub and bearing assembly. Disconnect the lower end of the Shock Absorber from the knuckle. Detach the outer end of the upper Control Arm from the knuckle. Detach the toe link from the knuckle. Detach the Trailing Arm from the knuckle. Detach the lower arm from the knuckle, and remove the knuckle. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure, tightening all suspension fasteners to the torque values with the suspension at normal ride height. Tighten the brake fasteners to the torque value. If you're working on an all-wheel drive model, tighten the driveaxle/hub nut(s) to the torque. Install the wheel and lug nuts, then lower the vehicle. Tighten the lug nuts to the torque.