Disconnect the negative cable from the battery, then remove the air cleaner intake duct and the valve cover. Next, take off the drivebelt, followed by the flange bolts, fulcrums, rocker arms, lifter guide retainer, lifter guides, and lifters, ensuring to keep the components in their original sequence by marking them or using a suitable container. Mark each lifter to indicate the front-facing end for proper reinstallation. Remove the ignition coil pack and the timing belt, then lock the camshaft pulley with a rod or large screwdriver to unscrew and remove the sprocket. Pull out the camshaft thrust plate, remove the cup plug from the transaxle end of the cylinder head, and carefully withdraw the camshaft. Inspect each lifter for wear and replace any that are worn. Check the camshaft for wear, particularly on the lobes, and replace it if there are any issues. Measure the camshaft bearing journals and cam lobe heights, comparing them to specifications, and replace the camshaft if necessary. Inspect the rocker arms for wear and replace them as pairs if needed. For installation, lubricate the camshaft bearings and lobes with engine assembly lube before inserting the camshaft, rotating it carefully to avoid damage. Install a new oil seal after the camshaft, apply thread locking compound to the pulley bolt threads, and reinstall the pulley, tightening it to the specified torque. Adjust the timing belt, lubricate the hydraulic lifters with engine oil before inserting them, and position them correctly. Finally, install the guides, retainers, rocker arms, and fulcrums in their original positions, tightening the bolts to the specified torque, and check the collapsed tappet clearance if any components are replaced.
Posted by FordPartsGiant Specialist